Connecting Investors with Great Companies

Intelligent Prospecting of Companies that are Currently Fundraising.

Powerful Insights Can Lead to 6X Higher Returns

Angel investors conducting less than 40 hours of diligence prior to investing

Percent of exits with limited due diligence generating less than 1X returns

Angel investors with an overall returns multiple of less than 1X

Source: “Returns to Angel Investors in Groups” by Robert Wiltbank, Ph.D., Warren Boeker, Ph.D.;
The exits where investors spent more than 40 hours doing due diligence (the top quartile) experienced a 7.1X multiple compared to only 1.1X for those with low due diligence.

De-Risk the Investment Decision Process

  • We diligence business plans provided by management along with data from third-party sources, including Companies House and Companies Registration Office.
  • We focus investors' attention on aspects of the business plan that ought to be discussed with management prior to investing.
  • We benchmark performance and valuations vs. relevant peers.
  • We present all findings in an intuitive, easy-to-understand manner and let investors drill down in as much or as little detail as necessary.

Data-Driven Insights Deal Professionals Can Depend On


Discover all early-stage and growth companies that are currently fundraising privately or are crowdfunding.

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Business plans describe how companies expect to succeed. We help you find and connect with great companies.


Benchmark valuations, historical and projected performance vs. peers in the same sector and growth stage.

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You can use Crowd Analytics to evaluate the defensibility of your business plan and benchmark your target valuation vs. peers. Contact us to find out how.